Should Log Stores Be Slatted Or Solid?

As mentioned in our other articles on log stores, it’s crucial the store you purchase is slatted and not solid, with the front of the log store open and not closed.

Slatted vs Solid Log StoresThe reason for this is that logs, even when kiln dried, still need to breath when stored outside; this ensures good ventilation and avoids problems with humidity and mould growth.

The same principle applies if you are wondering if your log store should be with or without doors. There is simply no reason for a log store to have doors; if some water makes its way in the last thing you need on a warm day is to create a greenhouse effect within your log store.

Having a log store with doors encourages humid environments in which mould and various insects can thrive.

It is much better for your log store to be slatted and open – surface rain will simply evaperate with the wind, and you won’t find any nasty surprises when taking your logs out weeks or months later.

Our log store is slatted and open fronted, making it the ideal storage solution for your logs.